“I am perfectly qualified to give you an injection. You're not going to tell me you're afraid of a little prick?""I wouldn't call you that...”
“Live a little," she tells me. "You're never going to experience anything if you wait around for perfect conditions.”
“I love you-I do-but I am afraid of making that love too important. Because you're always going to leave me, A. We can't deny it. You're always going to leave.”
“When you're dodging, you're "afraid of getting hit." When you're attacking, you're "afraid of hitting me." When you're protecting someone, you're "afraid of them dying."It's pathetic! You can't give into fear in a fight!When you're dodging, think "I won't let you hit me!" When you're protecting someone, think "I won't let you die!" When you're attacking, think "I will cut you!"--Urahara Kisuke”
“Animal Man: 'Listen, just tell me one thing: am I REAL or what?'Grant Morrison: 'Of COURSE you're real! We wouldn't be here talking if you weren't real.'You existed long before I wrote about you and, if you're lucky, you'll still be young when I'm old or dead.'You're more real than I am.”
“Yeah, right. The things that I'm afraid of? You wouldn't even believe.""You're afraid to trust me.”