“The beauty in the outer world can only be seen, when one stops focusing on the negativity in their inner world.”
“The outer world is a reflection of our inner selves.”
“With thorns in the inner world there will always be roses in the outer world, in law-able compensation.”
“The inner world is the world of your requirements and your energies and your structure and your possibilities that meets the outer world. And the outer world is the field of your incarnation. That’s where you are. You’ve got to keep both going. As Novalis said, "The seat of the soul is there where the inner and outer worlds meet."Joseph Campbell, 1991, The Power of Myth, pp.68-69”
“I will tell you one thing that will make you rich for life. There are two struggles: an Inner-world struggle and an Outer-world struggle...you must make an intentional contact between these two worlds; then you can crystallize data for the Third World, the World of the Soul.”
“Our greatest human potential is expressed when the consciousness of our inner world and the consciousness of the outer world are lived fearlessly without a conflict between either side.”