“Thinking? You're not thinking. You're reasoning without reasons, and that's just another word for prejudice.”
“People are fakers--that's all we do. Can you think of anything you do that's not done for the precise reason of pretending to be something you're afraid you're not?”
“When you're young you really think you're angry for reasons and causes. As you get older, you realize you might just be angry.”
“I'm sure that inside your heart you're trying with all your might to find it on your own... the reason you were born. Because really, there might not be anyone who was born with a reason. I think... that everyone... everyone might have to find one on their own. A reason for being born, a reason that it's okay to be alive, a reason to exist. I think everyone might have to find it themselves... and decide it for themselves... The reason you're looking for might be vague, unclear and uncertain. And you might lose it. But as long as you're alive, you have to keep searching for that reason.”
“You don't make waves unless there's a reason, and it better be good. Because once you do, that's it. You're a trouble make, and they never think of you any other way.”
“You're just going to bear witness to his life. I think sometimes that's the greatest gift we can give one another.”