“One can only pour out of a jug that which is in it.”
“I feel like a jug in which wine is poured until it overflows.”
“My love is made out of three things: the dawn, the sunrise, and redundancy. I poured you two glasses, which can easily and efficiently be drunk out of one cup.”
“People went through life like well handled jugs, collecting chips and scrapes and stains from wear and tear, from holding and pouring life.”
“If one unlabeled bottle holds nonfat milk, what does the second unlabeled bottle contain? If you answered “Whole milk” then you’re obviously not ready to receive a jug of my love. So I’ll just pour it in someone else’s coffee. ”
“I plead alignment to the flakes of the untitled snakes of a merry cow and to the republicans for which they scam: one nacho, underpants with licorice and jugs of wine for owls.”