“If you meet directly with tough sledding circumstance, play your trump card to turn up trumps and live in comfortable circumstances.”
“Your beauty trumped my doubt”
“People will tell you that the world is divided into good and bad, and that I’m bad, but it’s not, and I’m not. The real truth is that I make choices based on my circumstances. We all do. It trumps everything else, whether you know it or not. There has never been a good or bad.”
“Problems are like top trumps. I have a pretty good card: Adulterous Mum. But Jordana's is still better: Tumour Mother.”
“Don't let your intellect trump your faith!”
“It’s said that the shuffling of the cards is the earth, and the pattering of the cards is the rain, and the beating of the cards is the wind, and the pointing of the cards is the fire. That’s of the four suits. But the Greater Trumps, it’s said, are the meaning of all process and the measure of the everlasting dance.”