“It is better to see the cockcrow than to be a cock that cock-a-doodle-do.”
“Cock-a-doodle-doo, the cow says moo.”
“If men only knew, modesty makes women fall in love faster than all the cock-a-doodling in the world.”
“COCK-A-DOODLE DOO! HOW DO YOU LIKE IT FROMO THE OTHER END, YOU LITTLE FUGGER?" "Kafir, I can say it with confidence: Today is a day that no pigs will die. I'm not even allowed to eat the motherfuggers; I'm sure not going to kill one." "Amen," Colin answered.”
“Let’s do this! Rock out with your cocks out!”
“I've never heard a man's cock described as a fang before....""Fang, cock.... It's all sexual to a vampire.""But not to an angel. My cock serves a highly specific purpose.”