“No matter how you make much of your nom de guerre,remember your nomen!”
“Random Central Bad-guys: DROP YOUR WEAPONS! PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!!!Ed: Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom...”
“ast year’s Best-Sex-Scene-in-a-film winner Vince Voyeur’s real name turns out to be John LaForme. Rhetorical Q.: How, if one’s real name was John LaForme, could that person possibly feel the need for a nom de guerre?”
“Quant au mode de prier, peu importe le nom, pourvu qu'il soit sincère. Tournez votre livre à l'envers et soyez à l'infini"As for how you pray, the words do not matter if they are sincere. Turn your prayer book upside down and face the infinite.”
“And always remember how much your crazy sister loves you.”
“If you buy your experience it's your own. So it's no matter how much you pay for it.”