“Hey, I'm like Aretha Franklin, I don't get no R -S -P -E -C -T around here!”
“S-A-T-O-RA-R-E-P-O T-E-N-E-T O-P-E-R-A R-O-T-A-SThe palindrome means something like “The farmer Arepo works with his plow,” with rotas, literally “wheels,” referring to the back-and-forth motion that plows make as they till. This “magic square” has delighted enigmatologists for centuries ... The magic square also reportedly kept away the devil, who traditionally (so said the church) got confused when he read palindromes.”
“Architecture is a hazardous mixture of omnipotence and impotence. It is by definition a c h a o t i c a d v e n t u r e... In other words, the utopian enterprise.”
“Seltsam ist es. Beherrscht dich ein Gedanke, so findest du ihn überall ausgedrückt, du r i e c h s t ihn sogar im Winde.”
“A, B, C, Č, Ć, D, Đ, DŽ, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,L, M, Ne ponašam se za pjesmu, NJ, O, P, R, S, Š, T, U, V, Z, ŽDa li da napišem pjesmu ili ne?”