“Her Mao tse-tung t-shirt was stretched so tightly across her chest that the Chairman was grinning broadly”
“Once there was a dictator. He drove millions to various kinds of deaths, by war, in prison, or simply in harsh deserts farming their lives away. He destroyed temples, burned books, and ruined the art of calligraphy. He wrote terrible poetry and forced everyone to learn it, so destroying the literary taste of one quarter of humanity. He remained a warrior even as Chairman. He was at his best as a warrior, because as a warrior, he was fighting for his people, dreaming for them. After that, he only ground them down. But I forgive him for saying one beautiful thing:'Women hold up half the sky.' -- Chairman Mao Tse Tung”
“Mozart is thinking of Chairman Mao”
“Messages written across the chest of women’s t-shirts are great, because I can stare at their tits like they are literature.”
“Ian grinned at her, trailing a pale hand down his chest. “Luscious, aren‟t I, poppet? Go on, stare. I don‟t mind.”
“Nïx : Poach her portal. So going on a T-shirt.”