“I dislike my fellow-mortals. Justice compels me to add that they appear for the most part to dislike me.The Man from Archangel”
“And,” Kay adds as her final touch, “Christian Prescott is my boyfriend.”I dislike her already.”
“... but the truth is that I dislike most men as much as I dislike women. If anything, I am an equal opportunity misanthropist.”
“Jews put black over mirrors during times os mourning so they wouldn't think about themselves. But I never did look in mirrors anyway, because I disliked myself. No, wait. I disliked my appearance.”
“Just like the old adage--what you dislike most in other people is what you dislike the most in yourself--”
“You have the most revolting Florence Nightingale complex,' said Mrs. Smiling.It is not that at all, and well you know it. On the whole, I dislike my fellow beings; I find them so difficult to understand. But I have a tidy mind and untidy lives irritate me. Also, they are uncivilized.”