“To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and call whatever you hit the target”
“Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.”
“Talented people hit targets no one else can hit. Ambitious people aim to hit targets no one else can see.”
“You can’t hit a target if you don’t know what it is.”
“Storm gave the gun to Elora so that she could practice the reload. He moved behind her to make sure her form was correct. The first two shots missed altogether. One hit a target in the crotch-two targets away from where she was aiming. By the fourth round she was managing to hit her target...in the crotch.Ram said, "I'm beginnin' to sense a very disturbin' pattern here.”
“If you don't have a target-you'll never know if you have a hit or a miss!”