“If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive.”
“I define myself by helping others. This is what I do.Those people who want me to abandon my husband are asking me to put myself first and to judge him. The poor man has been judged unfairly by others. Why would I abandon him in his greatest need?”
“I don't know about you,but for me...to be honest,I would prioritize myself,before helping other people.”
“I had carried on when all I wanted was to be dead. I had stayed alive for other people. I never stayed alive for myself. I cannot begin to describe the intensity of that effort.”
“Often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself whether I may have not devoted myself to a fantasy.”
“In my fantasies, I was always caught up in heroic struggles, and I saw myself saving lives, sacrificing myself for others. I had far loftier ambitions than mere romance.”