“If you hate your life, you haven't' seen enough of it. If you hate your life, it's because your life is too small and doesn't' fit you.”
“This is what I'm saying; you hate your life. But you don't know what life is. Life is too huge for you to possibly hate. If you hate life, you haven't seen enough of it. If you hate your life, it's because your life is too small and doesn't fit you. However big you think your life is, it's nothing compared to what's out there.”
“You know what your problem is, it's that you haven't seen enough movies - all of life's riddles are answered in the movies."Steve Martin”
“You hate change. I hate it too. But things can't stay the same- and that's well, for when nothing changes in your life, it's as good as being dead”
“How would your life be different if instead of spending your energy and focus on hating those who hate you, you spent your energy and focus on loving those who love you?”
“But I don't fit. Your family hates me. I make your life difficult."That's where she was wrong. "No, You're my family. And as for making my life difficult, you, Blaire Wynn, make my life complete.”