“Only the redeemed have the ability to like what God likes and to be pleased with what pleases God.”

A.W. Tozer

A.W. Tozer - “Only the redeemed have the ability to like...” 1

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“When [the saints] perform actions to God, then the soul says: 'Oh! that I could do what pleases God!' When they come to suffer any cross: 'Oh, that what God does might please me!' I labour to do what pleases God, and I labour that what God does shall please me: here is a Christian indeed, who shall endeavour both these. It is but one side of a Christian to endeavour to do what pleases God; you must as well endeavour to be pleased with what God does, and so you will come to be a complete Christian when you can do both, and that is the first thing in the excellence of this grace of contentment.”

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“But pleasing to the eye isn't the same as pleasing to God.”

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