“We get the odd notion that God is showing mercy because Jesus died. No. Jesus died because God is showing mercy.”
“May the gods show their mercy... The Alexion would not.”
“The time to be judgmental was past on the cross of Jesus Christ ,try to have God's heart of mercy and grace which will leads to salvation.”
“And may God be merciful, because these twisted men will not.”
“Our God is abundant in love and steadfast in mercy. He saves us, not because we trust in a symbol, but because we trust in a Savior.”
“As Jesus explained, the right things have to die so the right things can live—we die to selfishness, greed, power, accumulation, prestige, and self-preservation, giving life to community, generosity, compassion, mercy, brotherhood, kindness, and love. The gospel will die in the toxic soil of self.”