“Concentrating when it's the hardest is what builds character”
“Of all the principles I'd learn about story, the idea that a character is what he does remains the hardest to actually live.”
“People will follow you when you build the character to follow through.”
“What's the idea with Moonshine joining the team?"Cate leaned forward. "It's politics, Connor," she said. "Pure politics. When Barbarro persuaded Molucco to loan us out, he insisted that Moonshine come, too. He's under the impression it will be character building for him!""Character building?" Connor exclaimed. "Are you sure that Barbarro isn't secretly hoping a Vampirate will do us all a favor and finish him off?"Bart laughed.”
“If you have character, endeavor, personality, courage and the capacity for concentrated labor, you will do what is your destiny – and, perhaps, even do it well.”
“What a wonderful phenomenon it is, carefully considered, when the human eye, that jewel of organic structures, concentrates its moist brilliance on another human creature!”