“Why does a woman work ten years to change a man, then complain he's not the man she married?”
“The woman does not work because the man tells her to work and she obeys. On the contrary, the woman works because she has told the man to work and he hasn’t obeyed.”
“Let every man abide in the calling wherein he is called and his work will be as sacred as the work of the ministry. It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular, it is why he does it.”
“A good man complains of no one; he does not look to faults.”
“A woman is not to marry a man merely because she is asked, or because he is attached to her, and can write a tolerable letter.”
“Does he treat you with respect ALL the time?Is he still is the same man in 20 years would you marry him?Does he make you strive to be a better person?”