“That's what's so great about the Internet. It allows pompous blow-hards to connect with other pompous blow-hards in a vast circle-jerk of pomposity.”
“It's not that [writers] are pompous jerks. We are insecure. We feel like we're fading away in this vast sea of scriveners.”
“Your assumptions about the lives of others are in direct relation to your naïve pomposity. Many people you believe to be rich are not rich. Many people you think have it easy worked hard for what they got. Many people who seem to be gliding right along have suffered and are suffering. Many people who appear to you to be old and stupidly saddled down with kids and cars and houses were once every bit as hip and pompous as you.”
“Life itself is too great a miracle for us to make so much fuss about potty little reversals of what we pompously assume to be the natural order.”
“The downfall of any great nation...always comes at the hands of it's pompous and insensitive leaders.”
“Sometimes the wind along the Pacific shore blows so hard it steals your breath before you can inhale it.”