“we have developed a series of emotional thermostats as well, by far the most potent of which is television itself. instead of really experiencing the highs and lows, pains and joys, that make up a life, many of us use TV just as we use central heating- to flatten our variations, to maintain a constant "optimal" temperature.”
In this quote by Bill McKibben, the author explores the idea of using television as an emotional thermostat. He suggests that instead of fully experiencing the highs and lows of life, many people use television to numb their emotions and maintain a constant "optimal" emotional state. This analysis delves into the implications of this behavior on individuals and society as a whole.
In today's world, the quote by Bill McKibben still holds true when it comes to the influence of television on our emotional experiences. With the rise of streaming services and binge-watching culture, individuals increasingly turn to TV as a way to escape reality and maintain a constant emotional state. This phenomenon not only affects our ability to fully experience the highs and lows of life but also numbs us to the true depth of human emotions.
Bill McKibben highlights the idea of using television as an emotional thermostat in his work. He suggests that instead of fully experiencing the ups and downs of life, many people use TV to maintain a constant emotional state.
Example: "Many individuals turn to television as a way to regulate their emotions, using it to flatten out the highs and lows of life. This allows them to maintain a constant 'optimal' temperature, avoiding the full range of emotions that make up the human experience."
Reflecting on this quote by Bill McKibben, consider the following questions:
“Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and griefs which we endure help us in our marching onward.”
“The joy is not in the presence of pain, but in the knowledge that God is using our pain to refine us and make us better, not bitter”
“Instead of letting our emotions run amok with our minds, we can use our minds as tools that allow us to build realities that serve us better,and we attract what we are meant to attract because we are aware and self-empowered enough to choose most of the time.”
“The words that reverberate for us at the confines of this long adventure of rebellion are not formulas for optimism, for which we have no possible use in the extremities of our unhappiness, but words of courage and intelligence which, on the shores of the eternal seas, even have the qualities of virtue.”
“Time does not heal all wounds. Never does and never will...it only strengthens the muscles of our heart to make us stronger but in truth the memories of those who passed through our lives shall always be with us until we meet again...giving us both joy and pain. It up to each individual to use it to better ourselves or destroys us...for it is a two edge sword. May we all use it to better our lives. :)”