“It was a city to visit, not a city to live in, but it was the city where Wormold had first fallen in love and he was held to it as though to the scene of a disaster. Time gives poetry to a battlefield.”
“If there is a life after this one", he said, "let me meet you in it, James Carstairs.”
“Let no one who loves be called altogether unhappy. Even love unreturned has its rainbow - James Matthew Barrie”
“Losing is like knowing that, in the movie scene where a thousand die but the hero lives, you're one of the obliterated.”
“Do you remember that scene in Airplane! where the guy with the flags is waving a jet into its gate, then someone asks him where the bathrooms are, so he begins gesturing in the other direction?""So the jet crashes into the airport. Yes.""That's how it is, with him. I think I'm getting these signals, you know, and it turns out he's just looking for the toilet.”