“I should like to elbow aside the established pieties and raise my martini glass in salute to the mortal arts of pleasure.”
“Art should cause violence to be set aside and it is only art that can accomplish this.”
“I felt like I should salute. If only I knew how.”
“I took a breath. Pictured the bed waiting for me upstairs. Then retreated to the lobbybar alone and ordered an ice-cold gin martini, a small signal to myself that my work was done. I held the glass, its inverted construction an insult to gravity and the order of things. Just like our Movement, from the outside the balance of power seems all wrong. But hold a martini glass in your hand and you know instinctively that it is just right.”
“Finn raised his coffee öug to me. "That's my girl. A bitch to the bitter end."I saluted him with my sadwich. "Always”
“All my favorite establishments were either overly crowded or pathetically empty. People either sipped fine vintages in celebration or gulped intoxicants of who cares what kind, drowning themselves in a lack of moderation, raising a glass to lower inhibitions, imbibing spirits to raise their own. ”