“How do you kill something that's already dead?Nobody knows enough about them. Ask Jason. He'll have an opinion.Wait a moment. Rachel could see Corinne talking to Jason, but they were too far ahead to hear. He says you chop them up into little pieces.But what if that infects you with the disease?Jason leaned closer to answer Corinne quietly. She laughed. You let Nollin do it.”
“You look tired," Rachel told Jason."I wish I could jog and sleep at the same time.""Can't you?" Ferrin asked, joining them at the little cascade. "I always imagined that you could sleep rolling down a mountainside in a barrel.""I probably could today," Jason conceded.”
“That’s it?” Jason asked. “You spent an hour talking about how lucky you were to be dying?”No, not dying, Son. Living.”
“Jason shrugged and turned away, the kids trailing after him. "I sincerely hope," he told them quietly, "that you learned a little something about the dangers of wandering around in the park on Halloween....”
“Ew, sicko. I was practicing Edomic.""Sure you were," Jason said. "You're just too embarrassed to admit you were playing hide-and-seek all alone. Rachel hiding, nobody seeking.”
“Should we take my car or yours to the marina?" Sienna asked."yours definitely" jason answered."you know the spider is temperamental" Sienna warned. "we could end up breaking down.""thats what im hoping for,"Jason confessed "nothing betterthan breaking down with you, and getting stuck somewhere." he leaned close and whispered in her ear. "all alone."Sienna gave him that slow, sexy smile of hers and grabbed his hand. "my car it is.”