“Pain los[es] its power when other things bec[o]me more important.”
“The man had come looking for a magical solution to his woes, but he had found an answer much more simple. Pain lost its power when other things became more important. Kahar didn't need a potion or an Aon to save him—he just needed something to do.”
“Pain lost it's power when other things became more important.Kahar didn't need a potion or an Aon to save him-he just needed something to do.-Brandon sanderson(Elantris)”
“México no es el país de Andrés Manuel López Obrador o Enrique Peña Nieto o Carlos Slim o Emilio Azcárraga o Carlos Romero Deschamps o Elba Esther Gordillo o Felipe Calderón. No es el país de los diputados o los gobernadores o los burócratas o los líderes sindicales o los monopolistas. Es el país de uno. El país nuestro. Ahora y siempre.”
“It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.”
“Es así y punto. Y es así, no sirve soñar. O al menos, más vale no hacerlo, porque daña más. Mejor tener sueños a lo Niko, los seguros, los que te compras. Me voy a comprar unas zapatillas nuevas, las Dreams, así los sueños por lo menos los llevas en los pies y los pisoteas.”