“Just as it is a good practice to make all fields private unless they need greater visibility, it is a good practice to make all fields final unless they need to be mutable.”
“This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.”
“It takes practice to become proficient at something. Practicing the presence of God will make us good at it.”
“It is just as foolish to complain that people are selfish and treacherous as it is to complain that the magnetic field does not increase unless the electric field has a curl. Both are laws of nature.”
“To make a decision, all you need is authority. To make a good decision, you also need knowledge, experience, and insight.”
“People are looking for how to put everything together. They need a unified field theory that combines glamour and holiness, fashion and spirituality. People need to reconcile being good and being good-looking.”