“I didn’t know what to do for my project so I brought in a paper cup filled with dirt just hoping that she’d know I’m an idiot and just walk right on past me just as long as I was holding something. “What do you have there, Brian?” “It’s a cup of dirt. Just put an ‘F’ on it there and let me go home.” “Well, explain it.” “Well, it’s a cup with dirt in it. I call it ‘Cup of Dirt.’ You should move on now. Just go ahead and move on. Head on down the line there.”
“A serving size on ice cream is like a half a cup. Is that like a joke some guy put on there? "Hey, come here: look what I put for the serving size. Did you see? I just did it as a joke but they're going out like that." You ever know anybody to eat a half a cup of ice cream? "Hey, you wanna go grab something to eat?" "Ah, no. I had a half a cup of ice cream. Ya, a whole half a cup. I just kept eating and eating and eating. I must've had two spoonfuls.”
“He caught me to him and cupped my cheek in one hand. “I want to keep feeling the way I feel when I’m with you. Just tell me what I have to do.”
“Why, I’m just as true and honest as dirt. And I’m even more charming than dirt.”
“I warn't never meant to be a lady, I know that now. I got streaks of wildness in me that trip me up every time, and just like streaks in clothes, there's some dirt that just won't wash out.”
“It remains to be seen to which side I'm gonna lean.Which road will I choose, what will I gain, what will I lose?Am I gonna come to my senses and see the lightin letting go of what I want in order to do what's right?Oh but right by whom? By me or by you?It’s just a crossroads. Is the light red or is it green?I’m getting mixed signals, I really don’t know what they mean.If I wasn’t temporarily blind, if I could only take one look I know I’d findhow simple it all is. How much do I really own this?Is enough not enough? Am I really in love? Or is it nothing but a test?Well if you wanna try me go ahead and be my guest.Cos I myself would like to know which way we're to go.I guess it’s undecided yet so I’ll take it slow,but as I regain my sight, I know I will do what’s right.Indeed it’s just a crossroads. Now that I’m willing to clearly seethings for what they really are and not what I’d like them to be.There’s nothing left to think about. I know the way now, I’ve no more doubt.I let go and release. You do the same for me, please.”