“Could we report Tyler for having a gun?" she said."He's over eighteen," said Chris. "It's probably legal.""It's not legal for him to be shooting at me," she snapped.”
“The legal reporter came out of his cubicle shouting that two bodies of unidentified girls were in the city morgue. Frightened, I asked him: What age? Young, he said. They may be refugees from the interior chased here by the regime's thugs. I sighed with relief. The situation encroaches on us in silence, like a bloodstain, I said. The legal reporter, at some distance now, shouted: "Not blood, Maestro,shit.”
“tyler said she was good, but she was having sex with him, so his vote didn't count”
“A man could shoot thirty ducks if it pleased him, and then shoot thirty more the next day, and it was perfectly legal. His hunting partner was likely to be the county sheriff.”
“That's legally blind, I'm not legally blind" "Yes, she's illegally blind”
“You're probably thinking I owe you my life."[Chris]"No." she [Becca] snapped."Just sixty bucks.""You charge for the hero act?" [Chris]”