“Not surprisingly, the place we're most likely to experience testing is exactly where we struggle most to trust God.”
“Either we are adrift in chaos or we are individuals, created, loved, upheld and placed purposefully, exactly where we are. Can you believe that? Can you trust God for that?”
“When we're not looking seems to be the time when God finds the most delight in surprising us”
“The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents.”
“Trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.”
“The paradox is that by being ‘in love’ we are in fact falling in love with ourselves, and we have an opportunity to see ourselves in the eyes of another. It is an ecstatic place to be, the dance of romantic love, and one that cannot be denied, for it is the place where we are most likely to experience a divine tango with our soul. Love and myth go hand in hand, for myth is the most exquisite mirror of all for the reflection of self.”