“The heart is the door to our inner woman. The heart is the door to our inner world. The power chakra relates to the inner man. The power chakra relates to the outer world. Irrespective of if we are a man or a woman, the inner woman is the center of our consciousness.”
“They were the screams of riders torn apart by the twisted reflections of their own inner selves.”
“(L)ong term fundamental change can only come when we search our selves, our souls, our spirits, for an inner peace that can then reflect outwards in our actions.”
“Our outer relationships are a mirror of the relationship and communication between our own inner male and female sides. Our outer relationships with a man or a woman are a possibility to understand our own inner man or woman.”
“Our greatest human potential is expressed when the consciousness of our inner world and the consciousness of the outer world are lived fearlessly without a conflict between either side.”