This quote by Abbas Mahmoud Al-Aqqad translates to "It is not enough to be in the light in order to see, but it is necessary that what you see be in the light." This quote emphasizes the importance of not only being physically present in a situation, but also being mentally aware and enlightened to truly understand and perceive things. It suggests that one must have a clear and enlightened mind in order to properly interpret and comprehend what they are observing. It serves as a reminder to not just go through the motions, but to be fully present and aware of one's surroundings.
This quote by Abbas Mahmoud al-Aqqad highlights the importance of not only being in the light in order to see, but also having something illuminated by the light in order to be perceived. In today's world, this can be applied to the idea that simply being present or having access to information is not enough; one must also possess the understanding and perspective to truly see and comprehend the world around them. It emphasizes the need for critical thinking and analytical skills in order to make sense of the vast amount of information available to us. Just as light reveals the details of an object, our understanding and insight are key in interpreting and making sense of the world.
Here is an example of using the quote by Abbas Mahmoud Al-Aqqad in a discussion about the importance of having the right perspective in order to truly see and understand things.
"As Abbas Mahmoud Al-Aqqad once said, 'It's not enough to be in the light to see, but there must be in the light that which you see.' This quote beautifully highlights the importance of not only being in the right environment, but also having the clarity and understanding to perceive and appreciate what is around us."
Reflecting on this quote by Abbas Mahmoud Al-Aqqad, consider the importance of having insight and understanding in addition to simply being in the "light" or "knowledge." Think about how this concept applies to your own life and experiences. Here are some questions to guide your reflection:
“ليس المهم أن تكون في النور كي ترى .. المهم أن يكون ما تود رؤيته موجود في النور”
“لا ينبغي أن تكون متعصبا لفكرة ما.. لكن في ذات الوقت لا ينبغي أن يكون ارتباطك بفكرة ما هشا...”
“الوصول الحق هو أن ترى النور فى قلب الظلمة وقد يكون أقرب إليك مما تظن، لكنك لن تراه قبل أن ترى نفسك”
“الوصول الحق هو ان ترى النور في قلب الظلمة وقد يكون اقرب اليك مما تظن ,لكنك لن تراه قبل ان ترى نفسك”
“لا ينبغي أن تكون مكتبة المنزل محصورة في غرفة أو ركن المنزل بل ينبغي أن تكون الكتب في كل مكان، لأن المقصود هو أن نولّد في نفس الطفل حب القراءة، وهذا لا يكون إلا من خلال احتكاك الطفل بالكتب ورؤيته إياها في كل ناحية من نواحي البيت”