“So what, we get in a big ring and poke each other with sticks while alien lizard men look on?”
“We of alien looks or words must stick together.”
“Looking at each other like, What the fuck's going on here? We big-time undercover supercops.”
“While the two females snarled viciously at each other, Ric grabbed a stick from the ground and waved it between Jess and Blayne. “Look! Look! A stick! Who wants it? Who wants it? Go get it!” He threw the stick and Jess and Blayne watched it flip across the forest floor. Once it landed, they looked back at Ric.“Dude,” Jess told him, “that was just rude.”
“We did an evil thing, father.""What do you think war is? We're men. Not boys swinging sticks at each other and pronouncing the evil wizard's defeat. We do what duty and honor demand, and often what we do is terrible.”
“While we may love each other and never stop loving each other, so often we stop "showing" each other love.”