“Whether or not she believes in fairy tales, every girl is a princess to someone”
“...which fairy-tale princess ever chose her maid over her prince?”
“Goldenrod Moram had a first name that sounded like it belonged in the middle of a fairy tale, where she would be the dazzling princess in need of rescuing.”
“Everything in creation has its appointed painter or poet and remains in bondage like the princess in the fairy tale 'til its appropriate liberator comes to set it free.”
“Victor Vigny: It is like the old fairy tale. The boy saves the princess; they fall in love. He invents a flying machine - along with his dashing teacher, of course. They get married and name thier firstborn after the aforementioned dashing teacher.Conor: I don't recall that fairy tale from the nursery.Victor Vigny: Trust me, It's a classic.”