“Only in the first hour of the night can I become human, while the male dove is busy with the twelve dead.'--Black Book 2”
“By the end of the seventies the feared yet desired black male body had become as objectified as it was during slavery, only a seemingly positive twist had been added to the racist sexist objectification: the black male body had become the site for the personification of everyone’s desire.”
“I have spent my life 'dreaming' of becoming a writer. I co-wrote 2 books & I write articles for a magazine. Guess what?? I am a writer...dream accomplished! Everything after that is just business!!”
“There are hours for rest, and hours for wakefulness; nights for sobriety and nights for drunkenness—(if only so that possession of the former allows us to discern the latter when we have it; for sad as it is, no human body can be happily drunk all the time).”
“It's the hour when night breaks away from the day, my dove, let me go.”
“In the dead hour the ghosts creep out of the bush and go howling across the dunes, screaming their unfinished business to the night. But I'm nothing to them so they ignore me.”