“The Wrong we have Done, Thought, or Intended Will wreak its Vengeance onOur SOULS.”
“In our instinctive rebellion against pain, we are children again, and demand an active will to wreak our vengeance on.”
“Devil, do you dare approach me? and do you not fear the fierce vengeance of my arm wreaked on your miserable head?”
“How much wrong have we done unintentionally, meaning the best”
“People who say, “it is not my fault,” continuously fail. People who say, “I’ve done no wrong,” have not done enough right. People who say, “I am done!” are never done repeating the cycle. Even in the privacy of our own thoughts, we can’t sow lies and reap truth.”
“Hold it right there. The only agreement we ever had was that you intended to make me as miserable as possible, and I intended to courageously make the best of an intolerable situation like valiant Southern women have always done.”