“There was another silence, of the kind in which gray hairs seem to creep up on you.”
“You know, I found a gray hair the other day. I almost broke the sound barrier rushing to the pharmacy to get some dye. Beth snorted. Oh please! You're a blonde-no one can see gray hair up there. Now, you get one down under, and then you can panic.”
“Time, which grays hair and wrinkles faces, also withers violent affections, and much more quickly.”
“He just didn't look like the kind of creep that would messily murder a woman in her hotel room; he looked like the kind of creep that could line her up in the sights of an assassins rifle without a shred of emotion.”
“Although initially only few in numbers, it seems my gray hairs have launched an effective peer-pressure campaign intended to convert the others.”
“Outside the arch, always there seemed another arch. And beyond the remotest echo, a silence.”