“Isabelle says the Queen of the Seelie Court has requested an audience with us.""Sure," said Magnus. "And Madonna wants me as a backup dancer on her next world tour."Alec looked puzzled. "Who's Madonna?""Who's the Queen of the Seelie Court?" said Clary."She is the Queen of Faerie," said Magnus. "Well, the local one, anyway."Jace put his head in his hands. "Tell Isabelle no.""But she thinks it's a good idea," Alec protested."Then tell her no twice."Alec frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?""Oh, just that some of Isabelle's ideas are world-beaters and some are total disasters. Remember that idea she had about using abandoned subway tunnels to get around under the city? Talk about giant rats—""Let's not," said Simon. "I'd rather not talk about rats at all, in fact.”

Cassandra Clare

Cassandra Clare - “Isabelle says the Queen of the Seelie...” 1

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“What did Isabelle want?" Jace asked.Alec hesitated. "Isabelle says the Queen of the Seelie Court has requested an audience with us.""Sure," said Magnus. "And Madonna wants me as a backup dancer on her next world tour."Alec looked puzzled. "Who's Madonna?""Who's the Queen of the Seelie Court?" said Clary."She is the Queen of Faerie," said Magnus. "Well, the local one, anyway."Jace put his head in his hands. "Tell Isabelle no.""But she thinks it's a good idea," Alec protested."Then tell her no twice.”

Cassandra Clare
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“Tell Isabelle no.”“But she thinks it’s a good idea,” Alec protested.“Then tell her no twice.”Alec frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”“Oh, just that some of Isabelle’s ideas are world-beaters and some are total disasters. Remember that idea she had about using abandoned subway tunnels to get around under the city? Talk about giant rats-”“Lets not,” said Simon. “I‘d rather not talk about rats at all, in fact.”“This is different,” said Alec. “She wants us to go to the Seelie Court.”“You‘re right, this is different,” said Jace. “This is her worst idea ever.”-Jace, Alec, & Simon, pg.145-”

Cassandra Clare
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“Clary glanced past him and asked, "Where's Magnus?""He said it would be better if he didn't come. Apparently he and the Seelie Queen have some kind of history."Isabelle raised her eyebrows."Not that kind of history," said Alec irritably. "Some kind of feud. Though," he added, half under his breath, "the way he got around before me, I woudn't be surprised.”

Cassandra Clare
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“The Queen‘s smile was wide and terrible. “What if I told you she could be freed by a kiss?”“You want Jace to kiss you?” Clary said, bewildered.…“Despite his charms,” the Queen said, “that kiss will not free the girl.”The four looked at each other, startled. “I could kiss Meliron, ” suggested Isabelle.“Nor that. Nor any one of my court.”Meliron moved away from Isabelle, who looked at her companions and threw up her hands. “I‘m not kissing any of you,” she said firmly. “Just so its official.”…Isabelle rolled her eyes. “Oh, for the Angel‘s sake. Look, if there’s no other way of getting out of this, I‘ll kiss Simon. I‘ve done it before, it wasn’t that bad.”“Thanks,” said Simon. “That’s very flattering.”“Alas,” said the Queen of the Seelie Court…“I‘m afraid that wont do either.”“Well, I‘m not kissing the mundane,” said Jace. “I‘d rather stay down here and rot.”“Forever?” said Simon. “Forever‘s an awfully long time.”Jace raised his eyebrows. “I knew it,” he said. “You want to kiss me, don’t you?”Simon threw up his hands in exasperation. “Of course not. But if-”“I guess its true what they say,” observed Jace. “There are no straight men in the trenches.”“That’s atheists, jackass,” said Simon furiously. “There are no atheists in the trenches.”

Cassandra Clare
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“Where's Simon?" Clary interrupted.Isabelle wobbled. "He's a rat," she said darkly.Did he do something to you?" Alec was full of brotherly concern. "Did he touch you? If he tried anything-"No, Alec," Isabelle said irritably. "Not like that. He's a rat."She's drunk," said Jace, beginning to turn away in disgust.I'm not," Isabelle said indignantly. "Well, maybe a little, but that's not the point. The point is, Simon drank one of those blue drinks- I told him not to, but he didn't listen- and he turned into a rat.”

Cassandra Clare
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