“Mortality, behold, and fear,What a change of flesh is here!Think how many royal bonesSleep within this heap of stones,”
“The world is his who can see through its pretension. What deafness, what stone-blind custom, what overgrown error you behold, is there only by sufferance,--by your sufferance. See it to be a lie, and you have already dealt it its mortal blow.”
“The meaning I picked, the one that changed my life: Overcome fear, behold wonder.”
“I add that I who speak here am bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of them that live within the veil.”
“No matter how many compromises were made along the way, no matter what happens in the future, a book is a thing to behold.”
“You did not bring down two of the royal guard in an unceremonious heap because the woman in the middle tripped.”