“I'm surprised you went to a brothel for sex,” I say after a few minutes. “Are you?” he smiles a little ruefully. “You could get it on your own.” “True. But I'm emotionally detached. Women don't like that.”
“I'm sorry Finn. I'm a wooden-headed dummy.' Don't be so hard on yourself,' said Finn. 'You're just a straw-brained scarecrow.”
“Finn Mac Cumhaill," Teagan said, "I do love you.""I'm taking this to mean we're not broken up, then. It was the fever speaking.""No. It wasn't the fever. You want forever, and...I can't promise I won't change even more. But I'm going to take care of Fear Doirich before I do." She turned and started walking toward the old willow. "Saying 'I love you' is no way to break up with a man!" Finn yelled behind her.”
“You look like a decent young man."Leon didn't smile. "I'm not.”
“Hey Rid?"She stopped and turned to look at him, almost ruefully. Like she couldn't help what she was any more then a shark could help being a shark, but if she could..."Yeah, Shrinky Dink?""You're not all bad."She looked right at him and almost smiled. "You know what they say. Maybe I'm just drawn that way.”