“She's a serial kisser. I think her parents are French.”
“And, Jesus, she's a good kisser. So good I want to beat the hell out of whoever taught her.”
“All men think they're great kissers. Just like you think you're the only decent driver on the road.""Maybe, but I am. Amazing kisser. Dangerously amazing. Your panties would, like, disintegrate, I'm such an awesome kisser.”
“she's a jar with a heavy lidmy pop-quiz kida sleepy kisser, a pretty waryou know she begs me not to miss her”
“Her name was a joke, she said, like Karen Cutter's family nick-naming her Cookie, or poor Marie Antoinette Jones, whose parents had liked the sound of the name but who were a tad weak in French history.”
“She has to live, Eliott. I owe her a lifetime of apologies.”“Sometimes I think that’s all we owe our parents.”