“Sometimes this just happens,” Kylie said, much calmer now that she had a sneak preview of hiscomeuppance.“Just happens?” Burnett bellowed out. “Are you freaking kidding me! If you have sex, you useprotection. It’s that simple. This shit doesn’t have to happen! This is nothing but carelessness. It’sirresponsible. It’s unforgivable.”“Burnett!” Holiday rolled her eyes at Kylie and frowned. The fae knew exactly what Kylie was upto now.But Kylie wasn’t finished yet. “Maybe we should put a rule in place. Any male who impregnates agirl should be neutered.”“Enough,” Holiday snapped.“Actually, that’s not a bad plan!” he growled.“Burnett!” Holiday said in a stern voice. “Shut up before you embarrass yourself more than youalready have.” When the vampire looked at Holiday, she continued, “Kylie didn’t buy the pregnancytests for Miranda. She bought them for me.”Kylie flopped back against the seat again, enjoying the look of disbelief on the vampire’s face alittle too much. “Would you like a name of a good doctor who will schedule your little snip-snipoperation?” she bit out.”

C.C. Hunter

C.C. Hunter - “Sometimes this just happens,” Kylie said...” 1

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“Go out with me tomorow night," Perry went on. "Let me prove to you that I'm the guy you want.""I...I guess I coul go out tomorrow night," Miranda sounded shocked and a little swept off her feet.Then, from the corner of her eyes. Kylie saw something move at the office window. When she looked back, she spotted Burnett and Holiday standing there high-fiving each other. No doubt Burnett was listening to the coversation and sharing the details with Holiday.Perry nodded, stepped closer, and then pressed a quick kiss on Miranda's cheek. It had to be the most romantic thing Kylie had ever seen. ..."What?" Miranda asked. "You're happy my date [with Todd] wasn't exciting?" "No," Kylie said. "Let's just say we're more excited about tomorrow night's date."A bright smile lit up Miranda's face. "Me too. Can you believ Perry did that? I mean, he was so...""Romantic," Kylie said."Hot," Della added."Sweet," Miranda whispered. "I couldn't stop thinkibng about him all night."And that was the best news Kylie had gotten all day.”

C.C. Hunter
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C.C. Hunter
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“I think he likes you" Miranda Whispered. Realizing she and Derek had drawn attention, she glanced away. "He's probably just curious about me like everyone else" she whispered back. "Nope. He's hot for you" Della said, reminding Kylie of the supernatural hearing of some of the campers. "When he was sitting by you at lunch, he oozed so much testosterone that it was hard to breathe. He wants your body" Della teased. "Well, he's not getting it" Kylie said.”

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