“Is it worth the lion's while to terrify the mouse?”
“Therefore, it is necessary to be a fox to discover the snares and a lion to terrify the wolves”
“I am impelled, not to squeak like a grateful and apologetic mouse, but to roar like a lion out of pride in my profession.”
“Don’t be mad” was the first thing he said. He really was terrified, as if the most frightening reaper on the planet was no scarier than a mouse, and yet put him in a tux and it was the Apocalypse.”
“There was something dead in my heart.I tried to figure out what it was by the strength of the smell. I knew that it was not a lion or a sheep or a dog. Using logical deduction, I came to the conclusion that it was a mouse.I had a dead mouse in my heart.”
“It terrified me, right down to my very core, to be alive while the rest of the world was dead.”