“I knew you liked him," Henry said. "Ever since he tied your tie.”
“Will interrupted. "Henry," he said, "you're on fire. You do know that, don't you?”
“...I would have jumped out and run after you.'Is there a Henry in the world who could be insensible to such a declaration? Henry Tilney at least was not. With a yet sweeter smile, he said every thing that need be said...”
“When I first met him, he had a recurrent nightmare that Henry Kissinger was chasing him with a knife, and I said it was really his father, and he said it was really Henry Kissinger, and I said it was his father and he said it was Henry Kissinger, and this went on for months until he started going to the Central American shrinkette, who said Henry Kissinger was really his younger sister.”
“Charlotte, darling," Henry said to his wife, who was staring at him in gape-mouthed horror. Jessamine, beside her, was wide eyed. "Sorry I'm late. You know, I think I might nearly have the Sensor working-"Will interrupted. "Henry," he said, "You're on fire. You do know that don't you?”