“The road ahead is long and there will be many setbacks. Success is not assured… but the price of failure has never been this high.”
“* Success has made failures of many men. ”
“Success is on the same road as failure; success is just a little further down the road.”
“Part of abandoning the all-or-nothing mentality is allowing yourself room for setbacks. We are bound to have lapses on the road to health and wellness, but it is critical that we learn how to handle small failures positively so that we can minimize their long-term destructive effects. One setback is one setback—it is not the end of the world, nor is it the end of your journey toward a better you.”
“I have had many successes and many failures in my life. My successes have always been for different reasons, but my failures have always been for the same reason: I said yes when I meant no.”
“The Most successful industry of the last forty years has been built on failure after failure after failure.”