“You really should learn how to take a joke, as easily as you take a dick."-Shirley”
“It takes the whole of life to learn how to live, and -what will perhaps make you wonder more - it takes the whole of life to learn how to die.”
“How do you learn not to take things so seriously? Don't take them.”
“You take a dick and you get it wet and then you put it someplace tight—”
“And while you're waiting, go get your whiskers wet and your dick licked. You're a fucking hero; you should take advantage of it." Gich to Jack.”
“Today you had a very important lesson on taking punches. A lot of people will tell you that the first thing you have to learn is how to take a punch. But I believe the first thing you should know is that you can take one and survive. A punch won't kill you. Conquering your fear is the first step to becoming a powerful fighter.”