“I believe while I tremble; I trust while I weep.”
“I believe in some blending of hope and sunshine sweetening the worst lots. I believe that this life is not all; neither the beginning nor the end. I believe while I tremble; I trust while I weep.”
“I stand amid the roarOf a surf-tormented shore,And I hold within my handGrains of golden sand-How few! yet how they creepThrough my fingers to the deep,While I weep- while I weep!”
“But the next morning, while night owls slept, I climbed trembling to her cubicle and woke her, weeping aloud with a crazed love that lasted until it was carried away without mercy by the violent wind of real life.”
“I will be capable of loving, regardless of whether I am loved in return,Of giving, when I have nothing,Of working happily, even in the midst of difficulties, Of holding out my hand, even when utterly alone and abandoned,Of drying my tears, even while I weep,Of believing, even when no one believes in me.”
“While I meditate on the gulf towards which I travelled, and reflect on my youthful disobedience, for these things I weep, mine eye runneth down with water.”