“Never,” said he, as he ground his teeth, “never was anything at onceso frail and so indomitable. A mere reed she feels in my hand!” (And heshook me with the force of his hold.) “I could bend her with my fingerand thumb: and what good would it do if I bent, if I uptore, if I crushedher? Consider that eye: consider the resolute, wild, free thing lookingout of it, defying me, with more than courage—with a stern triumph.Whatever I do with its cage, I cannot get at it—the savage, beautifulcreature! If I tear, if I rend the slight prison, my outrage will only let thecaptive loose. Conqueror I might be of the house; but the inmate wouldescape to heaven before I could call myself possessor of its clay dwellingplace.And it is you, spirit—with will and energy, and virtue and purity—that I want: not alone your brittle frame. Of yourself you couldcome with soft flight and nestle against my heart, if you would: seizedagainst your will, you will elude the grasp like an essence—you will vanishere I inhale your fragrance.”

Charlotte Brontë

Charlotte Brontë - “Never,” said he, as he ground his...” 1

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