“Bang! Clang! Bang! Clangity bang, rat-a-tat! "Reuben, I have been thinking, what a good world this might be, if the men were all transported far beyond the Northern Sea.""Oh,no!" Willow rose off Rider's lap so fast her forhead bumped his chin."What is that racket?" he asked, standing and following her to the window overlooking the street.One corner of her mouth quirked in mock disgust. "Take a look for yourself."Clangity bang! Rat-a-tat! The men below beat their pots and pans with wooden spoons and, in a couple cases, gun butts."Rachel, I have long been thinking, what a fine world this might be, if we had some more young ladies on the side of the Northern Sea. Too ral loo ral. Too ral lee.""Looks like your brothers and the whole Niners team!" Rider laughed. "What are they doing?""Haven't you ever heard of being shivareed, husband?"Outside the boisterous, drunken voices broke into another chorus of Reuben and Rachel. "Rachel, I will not trasport you,but will take you for a wife. We will live on milk and honey, better or worse we're in for life."Willow chuckled as all up and down Allen Street lights began to glow through every window. Someone in a room down the hall lifted their window, threw a chamber pot at the crooners, and followed it with a foul epithet. Undaunted, the man broke into a chorus of Aura Lea."They sure have lousy timing," Rider commented wryly. "Just how long does this little serenade last?"Seeing a tall figure in a long frock coat coming up the street, Willow replied, "I think it's about to end very soon now."Virgil Earp's face shone in the gaslight in front of the Grand. "All right, boys," the couple heard him say, "the party's over." He looked up at Rider and Willow with a wide, winsome grin and waved. With that, he ushered the drunken serenaders down the street and into a saloon.Rider turned from the window, shaking his head. "Now where were we? Ah,yes!" he swooped Willow off her feet and tossed her onto the huge bed."That's not where we were." She laughed."It's where we were headed, lady, and that's good enough for me.”

Charlotte McPherren

Charlotte McPherren - “Bang! Clang! Bang! Clangity bang...” 1

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“Willow gazed up at him, her silly grin still in place. "You know wha'? You're kinda cute when you crook your eyebrows down like tha'."Rider muttered a curse, lifted her off the floor, and tossed her over his shoulder. "Juan, you and Hicks help Mrs. Brigham to her room. I'll take care of this little hellion."Willow lifted her head from where she dangled over Rider's shoulder. "See yuh later, Mrs. B."Miriam smiled and waved."i think Mrs. B is pickled," Rider's passenger said in a loud whisper as he hauled her out the door."No thanks to you,hellion," he growled, and smacked her bottom."Ow!"As he carried Willow into the house, Rider was hard pressed to quell a sudden urge to laugh. In her bedroom, he unceremoniously dumped her on her bed, but when he turned to leave, her pitiful sounding voice halted his exit. "Rider,come here a min-it.""Oh,hell, I suppose you're going to be sick." Grabbing a basin off her dresser, he shoved it under her chin. "It serves you right, you know." He watched nervously as she knocked the bowl aside."Dun...don't be mad." She held her arms out to him. "Come closer. Gimme a kiss and we'll make up. I like your kisses so-o-o-o much."This time Rider couldn't stall his grin and inadvertently leaned closer.She was on him like a duck on a June bug. With two hearty handfuls of his shirt, she yanked him down on top of her and plastered her mouth against his.Talking against his lips, the tipsy girl had the audacity to complain, "Not like this. Do it like before. You know, with your tongue."Rider squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. This isn't fair, he bemoaned silently. He tried to rise but Willow held tight, squirming her voluptuous little body against his. Sweat broke out on his forehead. If he didn't put a stop to this soon...He lifted his mouth from hers. "If I promise to kiss you with my tongue, will you let go of me and go to sleep?""Uh-huh." Willow's eyes drooped, but the affect appeared more seductive than drunken.Lifting her shoulders slightly off the bed, he wound his arms around her and covered her mouth with his. His tongue explored hers in a long, liquid kiss, tasting of wine and desire. Rider savored its promise, wishing just this once, he could be less a gentleman.Willow wrapped one of her legs over his and shifted her hips, innocently aligning his swelling heat with hers. He started and bolted off the bed. "Holy hell! You did it again!""What?" Her voice was sluggish and sleepy now.Disgusted with himself, Rider stomped to the door. "Sleep it off, Freckles."Outside Willow's door, Rider slumped against the wall and shook his head. Willow Vaughn was a constant surprise, and he loved the girl so bad it hurt.”

Charlotte McPherren
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“Her feet now safely planted on level flooring, Willow nervously smoothed her skirts before lifting her head.Turquoise eyes met deep brown.Willow's mouth dropped open in shock. "Lieutenant Numbskull?"Rider stiffened, but recovered quickly. "Freckles?" he pretended surprise. Backing up a step, his appreciative gaze raked her from head to toe. "My God! It is you!"Willow's cheecks burned beneath his conspicuous appraisal. The lieutenant's pleased grin fueled her simmering anger at Miriam's unwelcome matchmaking venture. "What are you doing here?" she huffed.Rider arched a dark brow in ironic amusement. "Is that any way to greet an old friend...Freckles?""You two know each other?" Miriam interjected, astonished."You might say that." Rider chuckled.Willow didn't know who she wanted to murder most, Miriam or the lieutenant. But standing here in all her ladylike spendor, she remembered his hurtful maligning of her femininity. For some inexplicable reason she felt compelled to prove that she could be every bit as feminine as any other woman.Despite her stormy emotions, her next words dripped off her lips like warm honey. "Unfortunately, Miriam"-she caressed Rider's coat sleeve and flapped her lashes outrageously-"we were never formally introduced."Rider eyed Willow's hand where it petted his arm, expecting claws to spring from her fingertips at any moment. Then he lifted his gaze to twin pools of mischief. One corner of his mouth crved in a wry grin. "What are you up to, Freckles?"His devastating smile was unnerving. Suddenly all too aware of her ineptitude at coquetry. Willow's confidence slipped a notch. Nevertheless, she was determined not to let him intimidate her. Casting him what she hoped would pass for a coy smile, she answered his question with an innocent shrug.Miriam blinked, agog at Willows antics. "Well,ah...let me properly introduce you two. Mr. Sinclair, this is Miss Willow Vaughn. Willow, this is Mr. Rider Sinclair."Willow inclined her head with forced politeness. Rider tossed her a sly wink.Befuddled by the stratified undercurrents, Miriam sputtered. "I...ah...I'm sorry to hurry the introductions, but we really are late. My carriage is waiting out front for us. Shall we go?""But of course." Rider held the door open, indicating they should proceed him. "Ladies..."Willow waited while he closed the door, then draped herself over his proferred arm. Miriam took his other arm and cast a warning glance at the younger woman. The girl smiled back angelically, deciding Miriam deserved to worry-just a little.”

Charlotte McPherren
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“Willow turned her gaze from him as he sat down on the bed and smoothed her tangled hair off her face. "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you, sweetheart. Are you all right now?"Willow couldn't help flinching from his touch. "Of course I'm all right," she snapped.Rider jerked his hand back as if bitten. "Freckles, honey, is something wrong, something you're not telling me?"The angry redhead shrugged. "What could possibly be wrong?""I don't know. You just seem a little....out of sorts."Bastard, she silently cursed. But aloud she said, "I'm fine. Just tired, I guess.""Do you want me to bring your supper to you in here? I'd be happy to keep you company.""I would like to have my supper in here but don't bother yourself on my account. I'm sure you have things to discuss with Pa and the boys."Rider stood abruptly, obviously at a loss over her attitude. "Fine,Willow, if that's what you want.""It is."He opened the door to leave but halted when she called, "Rider.""Yes?""You better move your things in with one of the boys. Miriam is sharing my bed tonight.""Tonight? But I'm leaving tomorrow and won't be back until-""Really,Rider, it's only for one night and I ain't,er, am not in any shape for fooling around!""I know that," he bit out, his ire piqued now. "I just thought it might be nice to hold you."With that, he slammed out the door and Willow broke into tears. Before they stopped, her head was pounding all over again.”

Charlotte McPherren
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“Just before Willow and Rider boarded the stage, Owen and Miriam pulled them aside. Owen looked terribly uncomfortable, and for a moment Willow thought they were about to hear some dreaful news."Yes,Pa?" Willow prodded. "Is there a problem?""No.Just got something to say, is all.""Well,what is it,Owen?" Rider chuckled.Owen put his arm around Miriam and yanked her close. She scowled and smoothed her pretty peach satin gown."Well,I guess me and Miriam here are getting hitched.""You guess?" Miriam snapped, slapping at the arm squeezing the air out of her."Congratulations!" Rider shouted out. "Mrs. Brigham, how did you ever talk this stubborn father-in-law of mine into it?"Owen winked at Rider. And to his future wife's horror, he replied, "She rode and broke the stallion.”

Charlotte McPherren
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“What are you doing here?" he questioned, noting her harried appearance. Wild strands of chestnut hair had escaped her sever chignon and her blue dress was gray with dust."What am I doing here? The question is, what are you doing here? And where's Willow? Was that her room you just came from?"Before he could answer, Miriam's eyes suddenly widened. "Good God, what is that?" She pointed at the grinning deer's head."That's just Hairy," Rider returned impatiently, "and,yes,that was Willow's room.”

Charlotte McPherren
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