“He's a fine specimen of a man," Miriam said softly from behind her. "Be careful around him. I know how independent you think you are, but we still don't know much about Mr. Sinclair, and next to a man like that, you're a babe in the cradle."Willow shook off the shiver that Miriam's warning brought and chuckled self-consciously. "You worry too much."Miriam didn't laugh. "Just you mind what I said.”

Charlotte McPherren

Charlotte McPherren - “He's a fine specimen of a man,... 1

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Charlotte McPherren
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“If you aren't in love, Willow Vaughn, then my name isn't Miriam Brigham."Willow started out of her daydreaming and glanced up from the laundry tub. Miriam stood before her with her fists planted on her hips. "Now, Miriam, I-""No sense denying it, young lady. You've got that dreamy dazed glow about you. Rider Sinclair isn't much better, the way he hangs around you,like a bee drawn to honey. He's always holding your hand or throwing his arm around you when he thinks I'm not looking.""Well,even if I were in love, it wouldn't change anything. I still don't want another man to look after, and I don't need one looking out for me either. I can take care of myself!""Course, you can!" Miriam agreed, picking the last sheet out of the rinse water and wringing it out. "Most women can. Look at me, I run a boarding house and support myself just fine. But let me tell you something. That lonely bed of mine is mighty cold on winter nights, even here in the territory."Willow blushed and concentrated on her hands where they rested on the edge of the tub."Willow," Miriam continued, "you've been managing your pa just fine since he got home. A husband isn't any more difficult to manage than a father, unless, of course, you're married to a no-good lout."Willow dried her hands on the wide white apron around her middle. "But, Miriam, if I don't marry, then I don't have to bother finagling a man to my way of doing things. Staying single makes a hell of a lot more sense!""Watch the cursing, young lady."Miriam slung the sheet over the line and returned to help Willow with the wash tub. They each grapped a handle and carried it a few feet before setting it down to rest their arms a moment."Willow, use your noggin, will you? Part of the fun of being a woman is wrapping some big, handsome hunk of a man around your little finger. You do have to use your good sense, though, and realize when you're wrong and he's right. Of course"-Miriam chuckled-"that won't be too often."And you have to be careful not to hurt a man's feelings overly much. Men are funny creatures. They seldom let their emotions show because they think it isn't manly. But you can tell when they're upset.They start pouting like a little boy.I've always thought that was rather curious.”

Charlotte McPherren
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“I just helped with a birthing."Amber flames lit his angry dark eyes. "Women have no business doing that kind of work. It's not decent!"Thoroughly provoked by his unreasonable attitude, Willow completely forgot Miriam's presence. "Well, that's a lamebrain thing to say, considering it's us females who do the birthing. All men do is prime their-""Willow!" Miriam interjected. "That is quite enough!" Seemingly disgusted with both of them, Miriam waved Rider off dismissively. "Mr. Sinclair, you've seen for yourself she's quite all right so I suggest you take yourself elsewear.""Fine! It's a little too whiffy around here for me anyway." He jerked Sultan around and rode off in a monstrous huff.Willow was pricked by his disdain more than she cared to admit. "Did you hear what he said? He said I stink! You'd think I'd just climbed out of a pig sty! Hell, how would he know if I stink? He wasn't even close enough to sniff me."Miriam exhaled a deep sigh and wrinkled her nose. "Well, believe me, I'm close enough!"Miriam bristled but then recognized the teasing twinkle in Miriam's soft hazel eyes and broke into a grin."It'll never do to stick you in a tub," the landlady observed. "I'd kill myself, filling and dumping it before we got you clean. Stay here and don't move. I'll be right back." Miriam returned, loaded down with towels, soap, and clean clothes. "Lead the way to that swimming hole you were telling me about."The two women silently traipsed down the narrow path to the river, Willow brooding over Rider's sarcasm and Miriam wondering if Willow's clothes could be laundered or if she should just burn them.”

Charlotte McPherren
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“You'll have that handsome rogue you married at your knees, my dear."Franny giggled. "You really think so, senora?""I certainly do, my dear."Willow nudged the girl in the ribs. "Take it from me, Miriam knows what she's talking about!""Good grief, Willow!" Miriam protested. "You make me sound like I'm an expert on seducing men! I find that not the least bit flattering."Willow winked at Franny, and Miriam rolled her eyes skyward.”

Charlotte McPherren
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“Miriam really hates for me to ride to and from the ranch alone so your coming along should make her feel better. Right, Miriam?"Miriam cast her a don't-play-my-own-tricks-on-me look.For her benefactress's peace of mind, less than for Rider's knowledge, Willow added, "I've told Miriam she doesn't need to worry about me. I always carry a pistol."Rider's brows shot up. "You pack a gun?""Uh-huh, an old Colt .45. It was a present from Nick, my oldest brother.""And I bet you know how to shoot it, too." He smiled wryly."I ain't no quick draw, but I usually hit what I aim at.”

Charlotte McPherren
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