“Our sister needs a man, Sinclair."Rider's head shot up at that.Nick gave his brother a dirty look. "What Gavin means to say, is that Willow needs someone young and strong to handle the ranch when we're not here.""I meant exactly what I said." Gavin scowled at his older brother. "The girl needs a husband and Sinclair, here, is obviously sweet on 'er and I think if she'd admit it, she's sweet on him, too.""Whoa, hold on there, boys!" Rider chuckled. "I think highly of your sister, but getting married isn't my style. And if you'd take the time to ask, I think you'd find that Willow isn't exactly in love with the idea either.""Lay off 'im, Gavin," Nick growled. "We agreed to ask Sinclair to foreman the ranch, not marry our sister.”

Charlotte McPherren

Charlotte McPherren - “Our sister needs a man...” 1

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