“Thanks for helping me clean up. Still can't understand a man willing to help out in the kitchen, though. You sure it wasn't just so you could question me?""I'm sure. Why do you find that so hard to believe?"He stood directly in front of her, so close Willow could feel his warm breath on her cheek. "I..." Her heart burst into a drumroll. A rush of hot blood spilled into all the places she'd always considered private. What was this magic? Without so much as a light caress, he stole her senses and left her trembling with an unnameable desire.She struggled against the sudden heightening of her senses. What was it I'd been about to say? Oh,yes. "Well," she began, "you're a man."Rider chuckled softly, the sound rippling down her spine. "You noticed that, did you?"She exhaled in exasperation. "Be quiet and let me finish. And stand back." She pushed against his chest, then yanked her hands away as if burnt. "I can't breathe with you caging me in like this."He arched a dark eyebrow but politely stepped to her side and leaned his shoulder against the house. "Better?""It'll do." He was still too close as far as Willow was concerned, but she'd be damned if she'd let him know how he affected her. "You got me off the subject, Sinclair.""I did?""Yes,you...Never mind.”

Charlotte McPherren

Charlotte McPherren - “Thanks for helping me clean up...” 1

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