“Apart from the obvious psychological problems, he’s the perfect man.”
“Psychologically our thought-apart from its expression in words-is only a shapeless and indistinct mass.”
“There are no hard problems, only problems that are hard to a certain level of intelligence. Move the smallest bit upwards [in intelligence] and some problems move from "impossible" to "obvious." Move a substantial degree upwards, and all of them will become obvious.”
“By and large, people who choose to go into science are not greatly interested in psychological problems... He liked the exactness of science, and the perfection of its truths - Humanity could be rather messy in comparison.”
“He’s your problem, but what a great problem to have.”
“Now I have a question," Otto wrote. "Fire away.""What do you see in him?""Apart from the obvious?""What’s the obvious? I’m afraid I’m not a teenage girl.”